The aim of the Alumni Programme is to maintain the relation with the students absolving the University's study programs.
All students who finished their studies become members of the Alumni Programme.
The aim of the Alumni Sapientia Form is to provide information about graduate students and their future dispositions.
Scopul următorului chestionar este de a culege informații despre absolvenți și de a realiza un sondaj pe cine putem conta în organizarea, desfășurarea și susținerea anumitor activități în viitor.
The Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania is the independent university of the Hungarian community in Romania, which aims at providing education to the members of our community and performing scientific research on a high professional level.
Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences, Târgu-Mureș
Târgu-Mureş - Corunca, Calea Sighișoarei nr. 2.
Postal adress: 540485 Târgu-Mureş, Op. 9., Cp. 4
Tel.: +40 265 208 170, Fax: +40 265 206 211