The Department of Applied Linguistics at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Târgu Mureș organized SapiTranslatio for the third time on November 22, 2018. A record number of participants attended the event: 212 contestants for the English-Hungarian/Romanian language pair, and 37 for the German-Hungarian/Romanian language pair. 32 high school teachers and university professors registered pupils and students for the event from the following institutions:
1. Alexandru Papiu Ilarian National College, Targu Mures;
2. Bocskai István Theoretical High School, Miercurea Nirajului;
3. Bolyai Farkas Theoretical High School, Targu Mures;
4. II. Rákóczi Ferenc Roman Catholic High School, Targu Mures;
5. Lucian Blaga High School, Reghin;
6. Mihai Eminescu National Pedagogical College, Targu Mures;
7. Petru Maior High School, Reghin.
8. Unirea National College, Targu Mures;
Four universities also attended the event with BA and MA students:
1. Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Faculty of Economics, Socio-Human Sciences and Engineering Miercurea Ciuc and Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Targu Mures).
2. University of Arts from Targu Mures;
3. University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Targu Mures
4. West University of Timisoara;
The papers were evaluated by a team of 19 readers, and the following pupils and students were awarded prizes and honorable mentions on November 23, 2018:
ENGLISH, high school
1. Iulia Moldovan, First Prize, 90 points, Lucian Blaga High School, Reghin;
2. Adela Grama, Second Prize, 89 points, Lucian Blaga High School, Reghin;
3. Vlad-Călin Ceontea, Third Prize, 88 points, Alexandru Papiu Ilarian National College, Targu Mures;
Honorable mentions:
Iris-Rozalia Neag, 86 points, Alexandru Papiu Ilarian National College, Targu Mures;
Patrisia Pașcan, 86 points, Lucian Blaga High School, Reghin;
Raluca Pop, 86 points, Lucian Blaga High School, Reghin;
Buta-Józsa Ingrid, 85 points, Bolyai Farkas Theoretical High School, Targu Mures;
Andreea Ariana Fazakas, 85 points, Alexandru Papiu Ilarian National College, Targu Mures;
GERMAN, high school
1. Máday Orsolya, First Prize, 80 points, Bolyai Farkas Theoretical High School, Targu Mures;
2. Wagner Thomas, Second Prize, 76 points, Bolyai Farkas Theoretical High School, Targu Mures;
3. Blaskievics Raymond, Third Prize, 65 points, Mihai Eminescu National Pedagogical College, Targu Mures;
ENGLISH, university
1. Andreea Cîrcu, First Prize, 98 points, West University of Timisoara;
2. Maria Eşanu, Second Prize, 96 points, West University of Timisoara;
3. Jakab-Tatár Edina, Third Prize, 90 points, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Targu Mures).
Honorable mentions:
Roxana-Maria Gorgos, 89 points, West University of Timisoara;
Mihai Merk Eberhat, 88 points, West University of Timisoara;
Razman Noémi-Katalin, 88 points, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Targu Mures).
Sükös Imola, 88 points, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Faculty of Economics, Socio-Human Sciences and Engineering Miercurea Ciuc).
GERMAN, university
1. Adorjáni Roland-Jonathán, First Prize, 76 points, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Targu Mures);
2. Burján Csenge, Second Prize, 70 points, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Targu Mures);
3. Razman Noémi-Katalin, Third Prize, 69,6 points, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Targu Mures).
The Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Targu Mures offered financial rewards for the Prizes I., II. and III. Furthermore, the contestants enjoyed the generous sponsorship of two reputable companies and a private donation:
· Kilgray company offered a professional license of memoQ translation environment (€ 620) to Andreea Cîrcu;
· PC HOUSE(Multiplan Electronics Ltd.) from Targu Mures offered3 Dell Chromebooks to Iulia Moldovan, Adela Grama, and Orsolya Máday (total value of almost 1600 lei ~ € 340).
· Mrs. Mária Tóth (Budapest, Hungary) offered 4 Hungarian-English books to 4 students attending Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania: Jakab-Tatár Edina, Razman Noémi-Katalin, Sükös Imola, Rappert Balázs.
We would like to thank our generous sponsors their donations this way as well!
Registration for the SapiTranslatio 3.0 translation contest has ended
Registration has ended: 199 participants applied for the English contest, and 37 for the German. The students come from 7 high schools from Mureș county and the following universities: West University of Timișoara, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology of Târgu Mureș, University of Arts Târgu-Mureș and Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Economics, Socio-Human Sciences and Engineering, Miercurea Ciuc and Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Târgu Mureș.
Shades of Meaning 4 contest
The Department of Applied Linguistics from Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania participated with three students from Translation and Interpretation at the contest organized by the West University of Timisoara, entitled Shades of Meaning 4.
Professors from the Ruhr-University Bochum at the Sapientia University
We are glad to host on 18th May 2017 at the Sapientia University two associate of the Chair of Production Systems (Lehrstuhl für Produktionssysteme) from the Ruhr-University Bochum. Based on the bilateral EARSMUS+ cooperation between the institutes, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Kuhlenkötter, Head for the Chair of Production Systems, will hold a 3 hour presentation in room XX beginning at 10 a clock, titled Application of Robots. At the same day, Dr.-Ing. Alfred Hypki will hold a 3 hour presentation and tutorial in room 230 beginning at 14 a clock with titleSimulation in Robotics and Tutorial. Because in the case of the tutorial the attendant places are limited (20 seats), previous registration is needed which will be opened on 15th May at the Mechanical Engineering Department.
3rd Public Health Conference
Sapientia University, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Public health services and policy program organizes for the 3rd Public Health Conference on 6th April 2017.
The Department of Applied Linguistics, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Târgu-Mureș is pleased to announce its international conference entitled TRANS-LINGUISTICA 4, to be held on May 25–27, 2017.
Hungarian Sociolinguistics Conference
The Department of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Târgu Mureș, the Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics, Babeș–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and their close associate, the Szabó T. Attila Linguistic Institute, Cluj-Napoca are honoured to invite you to the 19th Hungarian Sociolinguistic Conference in Târgu Mureș, Romania, on September 7–9, 2016.
Lecturer and researcher from National University of Ireland, Galway
Dr. Fearghal Morgan, lecturer and researcher at National University of Ireland, Galway,and leader of theBio-Inspired Electronics and Reconfigurable Computing (Birck) research group, will visit the Sapientia University in Targu Mures.
Merry Christmas!
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania wishes you a Merry Christmas!
Competition - Continental
The competition is addressed to students from technical faculties. The teams, consisted of maximum 3 students regardless the technical area of expertise have to subscribe until 15th january 2016.
5th International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics
September 2-4, 2015
Trans - Linguistica 3.
The Department of Applied Linguistics is pleased to announce its international conference entitled TRANS-LINGUISTICA 3 - Linguistic and cultural interactions – an interdisciplinary approach, which will be held on May 28–29, 2015.
Products presentation LECO IMPEX Ltd.
Monday, March 16, 8.00 a.m. LECO IMPEX Ltd will hold its annual presentation in room 114 - an activiy that became a tradition in our Faculty. The main topics are the constructive and dinamical parameters of bearings.
All interrested students, all colleagues are welcome!
Optional course initiated by Continental
In collaboration with Continental (Sibiu) a new optional course, entitled Applications of microcontrollers in Automotive will start in the first semester of the 2014/2015 academic year.
Happy Sapientia
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania In case of playback error please use the following link:
Linguistic diversity in Europe
The Department of Applied Social Sciences, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences Târgu-Mureș is pleased to announce its second international conference on LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY IN EUROPE, which will be held on 10–11 May 2013.
The Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania is the independent university of the Hungarian community in Romania, which aims at providing education to the members of our community and performing scientific research on a high professional level.
Faculty of Technical and Human Sciences, Târgu-Mureș
Târgu-Mureş - Corunca, Calea Sighișoarei nr. 2.
Postal adress: 540485 Târgu-Mureş, Op. 9., Cp. 4
Tel.: +40 265 208 170, Fax: +40 265 206 211